Japan's Prefectures, Cities, Towns, Districts SQL Data - Download
You are building a website or app that will use Japan's Prefectures, Cities, Towns (Zipcodes), Districts (Block numbers), Addresses data?

You need structured data, zip codes list in Japanese but also Hiragana, Katakana, and Translated in Romaji.
Those data are not easy to found on the internet.
I'm living in Japan and worked as an IT engineer for many japanese companies.
I can tell you that those "base data" are quite useful and time-saving when you are developing an application that requires Japanese addresses.
For example, you might need them if you implement:
- An address search functionality via the zip or postal code
- List the cities of a prefecture in Japan
- Get the address in romaji for a foreign application
- Register some clients addresses and locate them on Google map
If you want to save your time and don't want to create all the data by yourself:
Here some Prefectures, Cities, Towns (Zipcodes), Districts (Block numbers) SQL ready to use!
What you will get:

SQL files for MySQL :
- Create tables scripts: Prefectures, Cities, Towns, Districts (Blocks)
- All Prefectures data (Inserts of 47 records)
- All Cities data (Inserts of 1,936 records)
- All Towns data (Inserts of 143,878 records)
- All Districts data (Inserts of 148,119 records)
Sample data:
To give you an idea of what data you will have access, here some sample data extracted from the tables (you can easily export them in CSV, TSV, PHP array...).
id | name | hiragana | katakana | romaji |
13 ... | 東京都 | とうきょうと | トウキョウト | tokyoto |
id | name | hiragana | katakana | romaji | prefecture_id |
306 | 江東区 | こうとうく | コウトウク | koutouku | 13 |
307 | 品川区 | しながわく | シナガワク | shinagawaku | 13 |
308 | 大田区 | おおたく | オオタク | ootaku | 13 |
309 | 渋谷区 | しぶやく | シブヤク | shibuyaku | 13 |
310 ... | 目黒区 | めぐろく | メグロク | meguroku | 13 |
id | name | hiragana | katakana | romaji | zip code | city_id |
22018 | 神宮前 | じんぐうまえ | ジングウマエ | jinguumae | 150-0001 | 309 |
22019 | 渋谷 | しぶや | シブヤ | shibuya | 150-0002 | 309 |
22020 | 東 | ひがし | ヒガシ | higashi | 150-0011 | 309 |
22021 | 広尾 | ひろお | ヒロオ | hiroo | 150-0012 | 309 |
22022 ... | 恵比寿 | えびす | エビス | ebisu | 150-0013 | 309 |
id | name | hiragana | katakana | romaji | town_id |
2 | 1丁目 | 01ちょうめ | 01チョウメ | 01choume | 2 |
3 | 2丁目 | 02ちょうめ | 02チョウメ | 02choume | 2 |
4 | 3丁目 | 03ちょうめ | 03チョウメ | 03choume | 2 |
5 ... | 4丁目 | 04ちょうめ | 04チョウメ | 04choume | 2 |
Purchase the data (zip file) for only 69.99$ (One time payment)
Secured with gumroad
License: You can use the data for personal or commercial purposes. But don't resell or redistribute it.
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